Let The Trademark Agents conduct a comprehensive trademark search to ensure your brand’s uniqueness and legal safety.
Our experienced team provides detailed trademark searches, helping businesses avoid potential legal conflicts. We conduct thorough searches to ensure your trademark's uniqueness.
Engage our proficient team for an efficient trademark search experience. We handle all the intricate details, allowing you to focus on your business operations.
Start your trademark search journey smoothly with our all-inclusive services. We manage every aspect, ensuring your proposed trademark is unique and conflict-free.
Trust our dedicated professionals to conduct a meticulous trademark search, so you can concentrate on achieving your business goals.
At The Trademark Agents, we are dedicated to making trademark searches thorough, precise, and stress-free. Our team of seasoned professionals specializes in conducting expert analyses and in-depth searches to ensure that your brand is fully protected. We utilize advanced tools and methodologies to identify potential conflicts and provide you with a clear, comprehensive report on the availability of your desired trademark.
We perform an in-depth analysis of your trademark to ensure it is unique and not conflicting with existing trademarks. After conducting the search, our experts continuously monitor for any updates or developments.
Our experts provide you with comprehensive reports that detail the findings of the trademark search. This includes potential conflicts and recommendations for moving forward, ensuring you have all the information needed to make informed decisions.
Our team of seasoned professionals offers ongoing legal support, guiding you through the complexities of trademark registration and protection, ensuring your brand remains unique and protected.
Did you know nearly 50% of trademark applications are rejected? you have a 94% chance of approval† with our experienced trademark attorneys managing the entire process for you—simply and affordably.
Trademark search To find out what other companies are using the same name or similar phrases, you may use the USPTO search.
State Search All 50 states are searched in the same way using the state search.
Detailed online report Any matches are found with all the details you need to plan your next move.
Information from the Federal and State Searches, as well as the following additional details:
Corporate name search All 50 states are included in our search for company names and other business entities
Corporate Directories We do a check of corporate directories to see whether your name is already being used by anybody else.
Common law The usage of your name that may be protected by common law trademarks may be found via private internet searches.
Domain names Your name is searched against the most frequent top-level domain names.
Global search In these multi-national countries, we look for pending and registered marks
Domain names The European community
Domain names World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Begin your comprehensive trademark search today for complete brand protection.
Navigating the trademark search process involves several critical steps, and we are here to assist you seamlessly through each one.
Our expertise ensures a smooth and thorough search process.